Caravaggio is considered one of the greatest artists of the baroque period, and his works can be found in many italian cities. Rome, in particular, is particularly rich in works by the master, as he lived there for much of his life. In this guide, we will focus on the itinerary of caravaggio’ s works in rome, describing the places where they can be admired and providing detailed information about the individual works. If you are a lover of art and history, this itinerary is perfect for you, allowing you to discover the most fascinating aspects of caravaggio’ s work and rome.
the church of santa maria del popolo is located in the heart of rome and is famous for the two caravaggio works inside the “conversion of saint paul” and the “crucifixion of saint peter”. Both works are considered among the most important by the master and were executed between 1597 and 1601. The “conversion of saint paul” depicts the moment when saint paul, while on his way to damascus, is struck by divine light and converts to christianity. The “crucifixion of saint peter” depicts the martyrdom of the apostle.
the church of saint louis of the french is one of the most important churches in rome and is famous for the three caravaggio paintings in the contarelli chapel, which depict the life of saint matthew. The works were executed between 1599 and 1600 and are considered among the master’ s most beautiful and important. “the calling of saint matthew” depicts the moment when jesus calls matthew to follow him. “the martyrdom of saint matthew” depicts the moment when saint matthew is killed for his faith. “the inspiration of saint matthew” depicts the scene in which the saint’ s soul is transported to heaven, accompanied by angels. These works are particularly important because they represent some of the first examples of caravaggio’ s characteristic style, with a strong emphasis on the use of light and shadow to create a strong dramatic effect.
the church of saint augustine is another of rome’ s churches where caravaggio’ s works can be admired. Here, one can find “the sacrifice of isaac,” a work executed between 1603 and 1604, depicting the biblical episode in which god asks abraham to sacrifice his only son, isaac. This work is particularly notable for its strong dramatic effect and the use of light and shadow, creating a strong contrast between the figures of abraham and his son.
the church of santa maria in vallicella, also known as the new church, is famous for its cerasi chapel, where two caravaggio works are located “the madonna of the pilgrims” and “the madonna of loreto”. Both works were executed between 1600 and 1601 and are considered among the master’ s most beautiful and important. The “madonna of the pilgrims” depicts the moment when the virgin mary receives the visit of the magi, while the “madonna of loreto” depicts the moment when the virgin mary receives the visit of the holy family in the house of loreto.
the church of santa maria della scala is another of rome’ s churches where caravaggio’ s works can be admired. Here, one can find “the crucifixion of saint andrew,” a work executed in 1607. This painting depicts the martyrdom of saint andrew, who was crucified on an xshaped cross. The work is notable for its use of light and shadow, creating a strong dramatic effect and emphasizing the suffering of saint andrew.
the church of santa maria del rosario is a lesserknown church in rome, but it is also home to a caravaggio work, “the rosary madonna.” this painting, also known as “our lady of the rosary,” was executed in 1607 and depicts the virgin mary holding the child jesus while being surrounded by saints who are praying the rosary. The work is notable for its use of light and shadow, which highlights the figures and creates a sense of intimacy.
rome is a treasure trove of caravaggio’ s art, with a plethora of options for visitors to delve into the artist’ s work and legacy. By visiting the churches such as santa maria del popolo, san luigi dei francesi and santa maria di loreto, one can gain a deeper understanding of caravaggio’ s art and the baroque period as well as rome’ s rich history and culture. In addition to these churches, rome also boasts several museums including the galleria borghese, the galleria nazionale d’ arte antica, and the museo nazionale di capodimonte in naples that house caravaggio’ s works and other important pieces from the baroque period and other historical periods. Guided tours and walking tours are also available for visitors to learn more about the artist and his impact on art history. Visitors can also explore places associated with caravaggio’ s life such as the piazza del popolo and piazza navona, where he lived and worked. Reproductions of caravaggio’ s paintings can also be found throughout the city in shops and art galleries, providing an affordable way to bring home a piece of the artist’ s work. The visitors can also experience caravaggio’ s art through the many bars and restaurants that are inspired by him and his work. All in all, rome offers a wide range of opportunities for visitors to experience caravaggio’ s art and legacy.