Are you planning a trip to rome and want to discover the city’ s most important archaeological sites? Look no further! This guide will take you through 14 of the most beautiful and historically significant sites in rome, including the colosseum, roman forum, palatine hill, caracalla’ s baths, nero’ s domus aurea, circus maximus, ostia antica, trajan’ s markets, roman domus at palazzo valentini, crypta balby, vatican necropolis, castel sant’ angelo, ara pacis and augustus’ mausoleum, portico d’ ottavia, marcellus’ theater, forum borium, and the rome pyramid.
the parco colosseo, also known as the colosseum, roman forum, and palatine hill, is a mustsee for any history lover visiting rome. The colosseum, built in 80 ad, was once the largest amphitheater in the world and could seat up to 80,000 people. The roman forum, located just next to the colosseum, was the center of political, economic, and social life in ancient rome. The palatine hill, the most central of the seven hills of rome, was the location of the imperial palace and the earliest settlement of the city. These three sites, all located within the parco colosseo, offer a unique glimpse into the history and daily life of ancient rome.
the baths of caracalla, also known as the terme di caracalla, were built in 212 ad and were once the largest public baths in rome. The baths were not only a place for romans to cleanse and relax, but also a social hub where people would gather to discuss politics, business, and daily life. The ruins of the baths, which include a vast complex of thermal baths, gymnasiums, and libraries, offer a glimpse into the luxury and grandeur of the roman empire.
nero’ s domus aurea, also known as the golden house, was a vast palace complex built by emperor nero after the fire of rome in 64 ad. The palace was buried after nero’ s death and was rediscovered in the 15 20th century. Visitors can now explore the underground ruins of this magnificent palace, which include intricate frescoes and mosaics. This site offers a unique look into the opulence and extravagance of the roman elite.
the circus maximus, located in the valley between the palatine and aventine hills, was once the largest stadium in ancient rome and could seat up to 250,000 people. It was used for chariot races and other public spectacles, and was also a popular spot for socializing and political gatherings. Today, the ruins of the circus maximus offer a glimpse into the entertainment and leisure activities of ancient rome.
ostia antica, located on the mouth of the tiber river, was the port city of ancient rome. The ruins of this ancient city, which include houses, public buildings, and an impressive theater, offer a unique look into the daily life and commerce of ancient rome. Visitors can also explore the extensive network of streets and public spaces that made up this bustling roman city.
the trajan’ s markets, located in the heart of rome, were a complex of public buildings built by emperor trajan in the 2nd century ad. The ruins of these markets, which include shops, offices, and a library, offer a glimpse into the economic and administrative workings of ancient rome. The site also houses a museum that displays artifacts and information about the markets and their role in the roman empire.
the roman domus at palazzo valentini, located in the heart of rome, is a wellpreserved ancient roman house that offers a unique look into the daily life of a wealthy roman family. The house, which dates back to the 1st century ad, features intricate frescoes and mosaics, as well as a private bath and garden. Visitors can also explore the ancient heating and plumbing systems that were used in the house.
the crypta balby, located in the heart of rome, is a wellpreserved ancient roman crypt that dates back to the 2nd century ad. The crypt, which was used for burials, features intricate frescoes and mosaics that offer a glimpse into the religious and cultural beliefs of ancient rome.
the vatican necropolis, located beneath st. Peter’ s basilica, is an archaeological dig that offers a unique look into the early history of christianity in rome. The site, which dates back to the 2nd century ad, includes the tomb of st. Peter, as well as other early christian tombs and catacombs. Visitors can also explore the early christian shrines and chapels that were built on top of the necropolis.
the castel sant’ angelo, located on the banks of the tiber river, was originally built as a mausoleum for emperor hadrian in the 2nd century ad. The site, which was later converted into a castle, offers a unique look into the history and architecture of ancient rome, as well as the later medieval and renaissance periods. Visitors can also explore the extensive network of tunnels and passageways that run beneath the castle.
the ara pacis and augustus’ mausoleum, located in the heart of rome, are two important ancient roman sites that offer a unique look into the history and culture of the roman empire. The ara pacis, built in 9 bc, is an ancient roman altar that was dedicated to the roman goddess of peace. The augustus’ mausoleum, built in 28 bc, is the tomb of the first roman emperor, augustus. Both sites offer a glimpse into the religious and political beliefs of ancient rome, as well as the grandeur and opulence of the roman elite.
the portico d’ ottavia, marcellus’ theater, and forum borium, located in the heart of rome, are three important ancient roman sites that offer a glimpse into the daily life and entertainment of ancient rome. The portico d’ ottavia, built in the 1st century bc, was a market and shopping area that was popular among the roman elite. The marcellus’ theater, built in the 1st century bc, was once the largest theater in rome and was used for plays and other public spectacles. The forum borium, built in the 1st century bc, was a popular meeting place for the roman elite and was used for political and economic transactions.
the rome pyramid, located in the city center of rome, is an ancient roman tomb in the shape of a pyramid. The tomb, which dates back to the 1st century bc, is one of the few surviving examples of egyptianinspired architecture in rome. The site offers a unique glimpse into the cultural and architectural influences of ancient rome.
the san clemente, located in the heart of rome, is a church that features a roman underground layer. The church, which dates back to the 12th century, was built on top of an ancient roman house and features a wellpreserved roman mosaic. Visitors can explore the underground layer, which includes a pagan temple, early christian chapels, and ancient roman houses, offering a unique glimpse into the history and religious beliefs of ancient rome.
rome is a city rich in history and culture, and its many archaeological sites offer a unique glimpse into the daily life, culture, and beliefs of ancient rome. From the grandeur of the colosseum and roman forum to the opulence of nero’ s domus aurea, these sites offer a glimpse into the past that can’ t be found anywhere else. We hope this guide has helped you plan your visit to rome’ s most important archaeological sites. Don’ t forget to book your luxury apartment through our website for the perfect roman holiday experience.