The sacred area of largo argentina in rome is a historic site of significant importance and cultural value. It is an openair square excavation that dates back to the republican age between the 3rd century bc and the 4th century ad. Thanks to a new act of cultural patronage and a donation of 500000 euros from bvlgari the sacred area will be accessible and visitable for the first time in a systematic way by romans and tourists. In this guide we will delve into the rich history cultural significance and accessibility of the sacred area of largo argentina.
largo di torre argentina stands on the site of the old campus martius also known as the field of mars. This area was used by the roman army for training and was a sprawling open field outside the city walls. Throughout most of the roman republic this area was scarcely populated by roads and temples. Today largo di torre argentina is a square in rome italy with four roman republican temples and the remains of pompey’ s theatre. The name of the square comes from the torre argentina which takes its name from the city of strasbourg whose latin name was argentoratum.
the sacred area of largo di torre argentina has the remains of four of the oldest temples in the capital. The temples were discovered during city remodeling works in the 1920s and date back to the republican era when they were built to commemorate triumphant victories over other realms.
the temple of juturna was dedicated to the goddess juturna the patroness of fountains and wells.
the temple of feronia was dedicated to the goddess feronia the goddess of freedom and fertility.
the temple of lares permarini was dedicated to the lares permarini the guardians of the sea.
the temple of fortuna huiusce diei was dedicated to the goddess fortuna of the present day.
largo di torre argentina is a square located in the heart of rome italy. It is historically significant as the site of the assassination of julius caesar in 44 bc. Caesar was stabbed to death by a group of senators who felt he was becoming too powerful and posed a threat to the roman republic. This event marked the end of the roman republic and the beginning of the roman empire. The remains of four ancient roman temples can be found at the site which also serves as a reminder of the city’ s rich history and cultural heritage.
in the 1990s a group of cats began to make their home in the ruins of the ancient roman temples at largo di torre argentina. Over the years the cat population grew and today the site is home to one of rome’ s largest cat sanctuaries. The sanctuary is staffed by volunteers who take care of the cats and provide food and medical care. Visitors to the site can admire the cats and learn about their care and preservation.
in the 1990s the italian government began a restoration project to preserve the ancient roman temples at largo di torre argentina. The project involved cleaning the site removing debris and restoring the walls and columns of the temples. The project was completed in 1997 and today the site is open to the public offering visitors a glimpse into the city’ s rich cultural heritage.
in 2018 luxury jewelry brand bvlgari became a sponsor of the largo di torre argentina site supporting the preservation and restoration of the ancient roman temples and the care of the resident cats. The sponsorship has helped to raise awareness about the site and has provided funding for important conservation work.
largo di torre argentina is considered a sacred area in rome as it was the site of the temple of juturna dedicated to the goddess of the same name. The temple was used for religious and political gatherings making it an important cultural and historical site. In addition the assassination of julius caesar at the site marked a turning point in roman history making it a significant location for students of ancient history and culture.
largo di torre argentina is easily accessible from many parts of rome as it is located in the heart of the city and is wellconnected by public transportation. The site is open to the public and there is no admission fee. Visitors can access the site from the street or from a staircase that leads down into the ruins.
largo di torre argentina is a popular tourist destination as it offers a unique combination of ancient history cultural significance and a cat sanctuary. Visitors can admire the remains of the ancient roman temples and learn about the site’ s history and significance while also enjoying the presence of the resident cats. The site is also accessible and free to visit making it a mustsee destination for tourists in rome.
the best time to visit largo di torre argentina is during the spring and fall months when the weather is mild and pleasant. It is also a good idea to avoid visiting during peak tourist season as the site can become overcrowded. Visitors are encouraged to check the schedule of events and activities in the area as there may be scheduled closures or limited access during certain times.
in conclusion largo di torre argentina is a significant and historic site in the heart of rome offering a unique blend of history culture and nature. From the assassination of julius caesar to the restoration project the sacred area of largo di torre argentina has a rich and fascinating history that is worth exploring. The cat sanctuary is a unique and beloved attraction that provides a safe and nurturing environment for stray and abandoned cats. With its accessibility and significance largo di torre argentina is a mustvisit destination for tourists and locals alike. We encourage visitors to support the ongoing restoration efforts by making a donation or participating in a volunteer program. With its rich history cultural significance and natural beauty largo di torre argentina is an unforgettable and unique experience that should not be missed.